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COMP491 Assignment HW6: Tech Spikes Preparation

This assignment is worth 30 points and is expected to take about three hours for each individual student, although some parts can be completed in teams. As usual, log activity using your Slack live log.

Students pursuing a research or honors project do complete this assignment. Please consult with the instructor to determine appropriate content for the tech spike in your research project.


In agile software development a spike is a small side-project done to test an approach or to learn something new. The goal is to learn enough about the approach or the new topic to inform the work on the main project.


In this assignment, you will prepare for a spike to learn more about some key technologies used in your project. Specifically, you will:

In the future P1 assignment, you acquire the missing knowledge and skills identified here, then demonstrate the new knowledge and skills in a presentation.

Additional details are given below.

Getting Started

Gap Analysis

A gap analysis is a process that can be used by a business, a team, or an individual to compare their current state to a desired future, and then to set goals to move toward that future. You will use a gap analysis to understand the knowledge skills that your team currently has and the knowledge and skills that you may need to be an effective member of your project’s community. Gap analyses are often performed in a four-step process, as described in this gap analysis template provided by Forbes magazine.

Learning Resources and Activites

In this part of the activity you identify learning resources and activites to fill in the gaps identified above.

Some tips for building this list:


All outputs of this assignment are recorded on your team wiki pages as described above.


A good grade can be achieved by: following all instructions accurately; producing material that reflects about three hours of effort per student for this assignment (with evidence of time spent on the Slack live log); employing correct grammar, effective design, and clear presentation of concepts on the relevant wiki pages. For an excellent grade, some evidence of additional research, insight, or thoughtfulness may be required.


This assignment is adapted from an assignment authored by Professor Braught.