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Project rankings

Here are the rankings submitted in HW4. Please advise me of any errors or omissions.

  1 2 3 4 5
Aaron HuggingFace FreeCodeCamp Sugarlabs HomeBrew OWASPNettacker
Andrew Mermaid ImagesToPDF TimetoLeave Jupyter PyTorch
Belgin Sugarlabs Mermaid FreeCodeCamp WikimediaCommonsApp AnkiDroid
Christian HuggingFace Mermaid PyTorch NextCloud ApacheKafka
Dung GNUOctave ApacheKafka SpringBoot OpenMRS PyTorch
Ethan Sugarlabs Metasploit HomeBrew PrivacyGuides SpringBoot
Evan HuggingFace Metasploit Sugarlabs OpenEnergyDashboard SpringBoot
Giang OpenBSD LLVM Tor Metasploit  
Marcel SpringBoot ApacheKafka HuggingFace TensorFlow PyTorch
Melantha Sugarlabs OBSStudio OpenMRS DokuWiki FreeCodeCamp
Michael Mermaid FreeCodeCamp OpenMRS HuggingFace PrivacyGuides
Myra Sugarlabs Mermaid FreeCodeCamp TimetoLeave AnkiDroid
Sai Sugarlabs TimetoLeave PrivacyGuides NextCloud Mermaid
Sophia Sugarlabs FreeCodeCamp OpenMRS Mermaid PyTorch
Souha AnkiDroid Sugarlabs Mermaid FreeCodeCamp TimetoLeave
Tanner HuggingFace OBSStudio ImagestoPDF DokuWiki WikimediaCommonsApp
Tap ApacheKafka PyTorch Metasploit NextCloud OpenBSD

Below are a few preliminary ideas of how to analyze this. Nothing is fixed yet. Feel free to discuss with me. If you would like to express a preference for changing the preliminary plan below, please discuss it with me by 5pm on Wednesday, September 27. Preferably, this discussion would take place in person, but you can also do it by email or phone. Note that I may consider allowing one or more students to work in a solo team (i.e. on their own), if they can make a legitimate case in favor of that.

There’s an obvious cluster of students selecting Sugarlabs as their first choice. That defines

Souha chose Sugarlabs as 2nd choice and could also go into Team 1.

There’s another cluster of four students selecting HuggingFace as first choice. This defines

Marcel and Michael also included HuggingFace in their choices, but ranked them pretty low. They could be added to Team 2, perhaps.

If we eliminate the students definitely assigned to Team 1 and Team 2, we are left with the following:

  1 2 3 4 5
Andrew Mermaid ImagesToPDF TimetoLeave Jupyter PyTorch
Dung GNUOctave ApacheKafka SpringBoot OpenMRS PyTorch
Giang OpenBSD LLVM Tor Metasploit  
Marcel SpringBoot ApacheKafka HuggingFace TensorFlow PyTorch
Michael Mermaid FreeCodeCamp OpenMRS HuggingFace PrivacyGuides
Souha AnkiDroid Sugarlabs Mermaid FreeCodeCamp TimetoLeave
Tap ApacheKafka PyTorch Metasploit NextCloud OpenBSD

This leads me to tentatively group into a team the students selecting Apache Kafka as first or second choice:

We also have two students selecting Mermaid as their first choice, which could result in

Souha rated Mermaid third and could also join Team 4 (or Team 1 as mentioned earlier).

That leaves Giang to be either added to a new (solo) team or joined onto one of the existing teams.

With the teams as described above, almost everyone who specified preferred teammates has got one or more of their choices on their team, but I acknowledge that this constraint was not satisfied for everyone.

There is another thing that I’m curious about. I’m not sure whether to take this into account or not. The teams above were determined purely on project choices, guided by the reasoning I have explained. Nevertheless, the teams given above are largely segregated along lines of gender, race, and national or regional origin. Ideally, our teams would consist of more diverse groups. However, perhaps it is more important to form groups of people who are eager to work on similar types of projects. I’m open to receiving views and advice on this issue. Thanks!

Last modified: Tue Sep 26 14:11:21 UTC 2023 by jmac.